How to View Saved Jobs on LinkedIn

How to View Saved Jobs on LinkedIn [Updated for 2022]

Reading Time: 4 minutes
man looking for the LinkedIn Saved Jobs menu
Where the hell did they hide that menu?

LinkedIn is the first place you should be looking to when you’re hunting for your a job. Whether through your network, or through the Jobs search feature, if you master LinkedIn you’ll be tripping over opportunities.

LinkedIn have made your job search much more efficient by adding a ‘Save’ feature and you can find it on every job post on the platform. Unfortunately, the button to find your saved posts is not easy to find.

Never fear, we’ve made a quick how-to guide on how to get to that hidden menu, and bring you one step closer to your dream job.

Table of Contents:

Wait, I’m not looking for a Job?

The Saved Jobs feature is not just useful for job hunters. You may be researching the jobs market for an internal project, or for your next venture.

You can boost your productivity by using a tool like LIX to extract the list to a spreadsheet for organisation and further analysis. You can even extract the data and import into your favourite CRM to beef up your marketing efforts.

Market Analysis

You may want to analyse the market, or get ahead of it. Perhaps to understand your competitors, or your clients. With Saved Jobs your analysts can treat LinkedIn like a repository of valuable primary source data. You can:

  1. Monitor in which department companies are hiring
  2. Understand salary expectations across your industry
  3. Find key offices for a company
  4. Find where the concentration of employees with a certain job title is highest.


You may want to see who is advertising for what job. This could be helpful to pitch your candidates to a company. You can even use a tool like LIX to extract those links and get email addresses. This can save you on the expensive LinkedIn Recruiter InMail cost.

How to view your Saved Jobs on LinkedIn


  1. From anywhere you can click ‘Jobs’ in the main menu
Click 'Jobs' in the main menu
  1. Click ‘My Jobs’ in the jobs sub-menu.
  1. Boom. There are your saved jobs.

iOS & IPadOS

  1. In the footer menu, select ‘Jobs’
  1. Next to the search bar, tap the three dots (I call this the kebab menu)
  1. In the popover menu, tap ‘See my Jobs’
This one is easy to miss! It should probably say ‘See my Saved Jobs’, right, LinkedIn?
  1. And there you are, you can see your saved jobs. You can even see the ones you have already applied for separately. Neat.

  1. In the footer menu, select ‘Jobs’
  1. Next to the search bar, tap the ellipsis dots
  1. In the popover menu, tap ‘See my Jobs’
This one is easy to miss! It should probably say ‘See my Saved Jobs’, right, LinkedIn?
  1. And there you are, you can see your saved jobs. You can even see the ones you have already applied for separately. Neat.


And that’s it, all your platforms are covered. We at lix wish you every success in your job hunt!

3 Things to do Before Your LinkedIn Sales Campaign

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The first thing you must know before you embark upon any LinkedIn sales campaign, is exactly what you hope to achieve from it. Are you trying to drive sales in the short term, or is an extension of a long-term strategy to boost both sales and exposure in a busy marketplace?

If you know your aims it is much easier to develop a coherent, and successful sales campaign.

Short term campaigns are designed to take advantage of temporary situations, such as Christmas, summertime, or even to push sales for a limited period to hit those all-important end of quarter, or end of year targets. They could also coincide with your business’s trends. For example, launching a new product, re-branding an existing line, or moving into a new area within your own niche.

Longer term plans also work well within the B2B market, as you want to nurture long term contacts with your clients, as well as developing repeat business, month on month, year on year.

So with all that in mind, developing your successful campaign requires a bit of thought and planning. Here are three absolute must-dos before you start.

Know Your Customer

This is absolutely vital to the success of your campaign. If you do not know who are targeting you will never reach your sales potential. This is all about Research Research Research.

There are many tools out there to assist you in this, one of which is LinkedIn. A quick search for companies you are targeting on LinkedIn will bring up a host of potential clients. It will also allow you to search for key people within those companies so you can further narrow down your focus.

Once you have identified your target, and established contact, don’t be afraid to ask questions and really listen to the answers. This will allow you pinpoint areas of need and you can therefore tailor your sales campaign to hit these requirements.

Show Your Expertise

By tailoring your campaign to areas of need you have identified you automatically show your expertise in this given area. However, if this cannot be backed up upon further scrutiny it is all for naught.

Again, this is all about research, research, research!. Your LinkedIn sales campaign, if successful, will generate a lot of interest. You should be prepared for question after question before any sale is confirmed. And you should know the answers better than anyone.

Why should someone choose your product or service over a competitor? Because yours is the best, and you are the most knowledgeable. This is the aim. Make you and your product absolutely unmissable. If you are the best, your Sales campaign will reflect this, and businesses will want to buy from the best.


On any successful sales campaigns the potential customer can act on the information presented. If you have done all the hard work, all the Research Research Research and tailored your campaign to the right companies, and you have proved your product, your service, and yourself to the absolute must-have commodity, you need to tell people how to get it.

A Call-To-Action is an order. Call this number to book your slot, click this link to order your copy, visit our website to buy while stocks last. This gives the customer an opportunity to take immediate action.

The most successful campaigns include more than one Call-To-Action. If it’s a leaflet you plan on using, include it on both side so it can’t be missed. If you’re going with a radio or television ad, make sure its prominently used so people know how to get in touch.

If potential customers cannot reach you, they cannot buy your products, they cannot refer you to their contacts, and you lose potential business. A sales campaign without an effective Call-To-Action is a waste of all your efforts, and money.

You need your LinkedIn sales campaign to take charge.  Tell potential customers you know who they are, and that you know they need you and your product. And here is how to get it. Successful Sales Campaigns do all these things and do them well, so if you can replicate this formula you will realise your investment was a shrewd one.

Try Lix & get 50 free leads!

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While you’re here, why not check out our guide to LinkedIn Influencer Marketing?

How To Use LinkedIn For Networking

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Looking to make more business connections in a time where socialising is sparse? Look no further than LinkedIn and its incredible networking potential.


As it stands, many people across the world are working remotely. The pandemic has eased somewhat, but realistically, the flexibility remote working affords has to be maintained in order for businesses to remain future-proofed against further lockdown scenarios. 


Even without the impact of the virus, there has been a 159% rise in remote work over the last 12 years with 80% of remote workers saying they experience less job stress. Remote working is also beneficial for overall worker morale, for the environment (lower commutes and office use) and for enterprises looking to make the most of a global pool of talent. 


Despite the many benefits of remote working and the likelihood we will all be working in this way for the foreseeable future, it doesn’t come free from downsides. 


Remote working can be problematic in many ways, causing loneliness, difficulty with work/ life balance, and of course, a bit of a block with networking. 


Networking is so beneficial for many companies and freelancers providing a great chance to make connections and build business. Does that mean that networking is over until the pandemic is well and truly squashed? Not necessarily…


LinkedIn Networking: All Your Needs Met In One Place 


LinkedIn has 690 million active users and was voted the most trusted platform of 2019. With LinkedIn you no longer have to miss out on networking. Instead, you can network anywhere with an internet connection, anytime you feel like boosting your business connections. 


Are you currently making the most of LinkedIn and its networking potential?


If you are already an active LinkedIn member, it’s likely you may not be developing career relationships on this platform that could truly enhance your prospects. LinkedIn holds 30 million companies and sees 2 new users sign up every single second: it’s time to tap into this incredible networking tool. Here’s how:


Create An Incredible Profile


It is so important to make a great first impression online, especially when you are networking. To create a great LinkedIn profile you’ll want to make sure:


  • There are no gaps or areas left blank
  • It reads as a professional profile, not like a personal profile
  • You contain keywords in your summary, headline and experience
  • You’re showcasing a professional headshot


Make Targeted Connections


There are nearly 700 million potential connections on LinkedIn yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to start adding any connection wherever you can. Instead, target connections where you can get high-quality insights into your industry or career path, or where you can see a working relationship forming in the future. 


By targeting your connections you’re focusing on quality over quantity, in the same way you wouldn’t try to speak to everyone at a networking event. You would use your time connecting with those who are most beneficial to your career, or vice versa. 


Personalise Your Requests


In order to make a good impression on potential connections it is important to send a message along with your request. 


The message should explain why you want to connect, and why you’re looking to form a professional relationship. This avoids you looking like you’re just boosting your numbers. Instead, it strengthens those new connections straight away, paving the way for high-quality communications and exchanges moving forward. 


Be An Industry Leader


If you want your connections to see your expertise in the industry you work in, you have to post phenomenal content on LinkedIn. This will boost your relationship with connections you have made, and help new ones find you on the platform too. It’s also a great way to encourage engagement with potential clients or investors, because a great article is a fantastic conversation starter. 


If you can, include some video content when you share, as online users are wanting more and more video content. It is expected that the average person will spend 100 minutes a day watching videos online by next year, and many additional trends support the video focus. To future-proof your content, it is definitely worth including some video as well as text. 


Lastly, do make sure that any content you do share is not a constant promotion of your services as that will turn off your audience and may weaken your connections. 


Join Groups On The Platform


There are various LinkedIn groups within certain professional interests, industries and topics that can be useful to join. They can give you access to lots of people you can network with, but it’s not a guarantee they will pay attention. 


If you want others in your groups to pay attention to you, you’ll need to get actively participating in the group discussions. Show your insight, share interesting content, and give value to those you are interacting with. 


Show Interest In Your New Connections


If you do want to make a true professional connection with somebody on LinkedIn, you must build that relationship. A great first note and initial chats are great, but as with any great relationship, it takes sustained effort to truly make it last. Make sure you show interest in what the person is sharing and doing regularly, and don’t be afraid to leave a comment showing your interest. 


Nurturing these new connections will hopefully lead to great things in the future, adding true value to your networking efforts online. 


“If you are on social media, and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not networking, then you are using it wrong.” – Germany Kent


LinkedIn makes life so much easier for business professionals looking to be creative about how they network. And at a time when person-to-person meetups are so limited, and will continue to be that way for the foreseeable future, we all have to be creative about how we make business connections. Why not try LinkedIn today for instant access to a global bank of professionals just like you?

Find more blogs from LIX, here.

LIX – Export LinkedIn Data with Sales Navigator Deep Profiles

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sales Navigator Deep Profiles for LinkedIn Data Export


We’ve introduced our new Deep Profiles feature for Sales Navigator. As a result, you can export more information than ever before.
You can now find leads by university, previous experience, time at company, and more. In addition, we have an explainer video below to see explain how you can use it to support your LinkedIn data export. Also, we now send all the most likely emails as a comma-separated list so you can use it in a mail merge.



2x Faster Exports


Firstly, Sales Navigator exports are now 2x faster. Secondly, we’ve also managed to squeeze 5x the number of emails out of the average search result. Most importantly, these emails are now exported as a comma-separated list, allowing you to use them in a Mail Merge.


Product Roadmap



We’ve released our Product Roadmap, because we want to give all our users the opportunity to influence the future of LIX. You can check out all the features we’ve launched and the exciting features we have planned. You can even clap and comment on ideas. Check it out here.


“With our Transparent Product Roadmap, it will be easier than ever to give your input into product development at LIX. You can see what we’re working on, what we having coming up, and the ideas that are coming in to our product development process.

We hope this level of transparency will give you an insight into how we work, and give you the opportunity to influence the future of LIX. Our vision is to give you the tools to supercharge your projects and help you hit your targets, with your feedback we can do that faster and more effectively. Above all, we look forward to hearing from you!”


– Adil Karim, Founder, LIX

What’s New At LIX – Enhanced Company Data

Reading Time: 2 minutes

LIX can now scrape and export ‘Enhanced Company Data’ from LinkedIn. This feature will allow you to extract more data than ever before, including ‘Industry,’ ‘Type of Company,’ ‘Office Location,’ and ‘Number of Employees’.


There are several other data included in this brand new feature, making it perfect for company market research and competitive intelligence.


Watch the video below to see how it works.


We have added a host of new reliability features that make it better than ever to use LIX:

We’ve improved the speed of the Guess Emails feature by 300%! We’ve taken a 1,000 contact extraction from taking ~45 minutes to taking 15! That’s a huge change, the feature is still in Beta but stay tuned for exciting updates on this coming shortly.

We now split first and last names, so you can mail merge and more easily insert data into other systems. 

We have added ‘company size’ data extraction from normal company search results. This will work even if you don’t have ‘enhanced company data’ enabled. In addition, we’ve added the link to the company profile in sales navigator and deep profiles.

We’ve changed the Excel file output from XLS to XLSX, this should not only stop those annoying errors about mismatched filetypes showing up, but should also allow the files to be openable in a wider range of spreadsheet software.

Never lose your exports again. You can now save your data when the exporting crashes. If your LIX tool crashes during an export you can click close the errors and download the exported results up until the moment it crashed.

We have removed the ‘Autolix’ feature. At LIX we like to keep things simple, this sometimes means removing features that we have spent time developing. Sadly Autolix was often confusing, making it unclear what was going on when you ran it, and it wasn’t clear what happens when you use multiple pages to extract. In this case, the benefits outweighed the costs and so sadly it must go – RIP Autolix, 2016-2020. You will still be able to save your preferences, and they will be loaded every time you open LIX.